When You're Gone They are Still Here
They say the only things in life guaranteed are taxes and death and if you are young you are not likely prepared for the what if's. If you get sick, are in an accident, or pass you will want these things to be in order for the people who love you so they can pick up the pieces a little easier. An episode in honor of those we lost too soon.
1) List of bills to pay and how to pay them.
2) Password List
3) POA - Different versions: Health, real estate, all 18-year-old kid
4) Medical directive - gf/bf allowance, DNR
5) HIPAA Release
6) Banking info and POD Clause
7) Will and Who gets what so no one fights for the little things
8) Trust-Ladybird deed-Vesting on title rights of survivorship
9) Rocketlawyer.com
10) Letters to loved ones
11) Funeral arrangements
12) Kids, elderly and animal arrangements
13) Secure your digital assets-online banking, investments, social media accounts, websites, etc.
14) Make sure someone knows where this stuff is. Talk with all of your loved ones
15) Keep it all current. Update often when you move, downsize, or upsize.
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