Episode 4

Published on:

6th Jan 2022

Game changing personal development books that will leave you inspired, and full of fire!

Today Trish & Kylee share two of their favorite personal development books and how applying what they learned poured gasoline on their progress and lit the way to a brand new lifestyle full of fire and success. This episode is for everyone who is looking to be inspired! Be sure to listen till the end for 10 tips to increase your productivity and level up your life!

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Chapter 1 opens on a young Marie as she divulges the secret of her sauce - the origin of the title of her motto, her mantra "Everything is Figureoutable." She shares that she learned this important message from her single mother who, at an internetless age, figured out how to do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING she needed to do. 

In Chapter 2 Marie gives us the rules of the game and a briefing on her writing style. She encourages readers to be strong, hang in there, do the work and connect with a support network. 

Chapter 3 reveals more of Marie's backstory, which only makes her even more relatable to her audience. Even if you've never been in her exact pair of high heels, we've all been in situations when we've felt as if our world is crumbling; or, we're lost amongst the noise and demands of life. She runs through the science, psychology, and sociology of our beliefs; where our core beliefs come from, and, best of all, how to CHANGE them. This is a thick and compelling chapter that reinforces the desire to follow through with the insightful action items and activities at the end of the chapter.  

The main theme of Chapter 4 is ownership. You are responsible for your choices which ultimately determine your circumstances. Marie gives several examples of people whose situations and circumstances were overwhelming and seemingly impossible, but they CHOSE to do what had to be done in order to accomplish the mission. Bring your sifting screen because there are gold nuggets everywhere. Then, if you're not already motivated, Marie has targeted the top 3 most employed excuses, sets them up, and shows us how to take aim and shoot them down. Take notes to review and implement so you can set fire to your life. 

In Chapter 5 we are taken on a journey toward freedom of a chain we all wear most of our lives - FEAR. I like that she acknowledges the fact that everyone's fear is different; and how deeply layered each individual's fears can be. Marie then encourages readers to rename their fear so it's not as intimidating and so we can be confident and conquer. 

Defining a dream can leave us feeling like we're floundering in the middle of the ocean on a dark moonless night. We know where we want to be, that Elite Life, that ideal place - where we are on top of our goals and dreams, but we're not quite sure how to get there. Chapter 6 helps readers define their dreams, build a roadmap to success and get real about making it a reality.

Chapter 7 is a butt-kicking, skydive which pushes the idea of starting before you're ready. Marie walks us through action steps, tips, and tricks to overcoming procrastination, fear of failure and leaves no room for excuses when it comes to taking action. 

In Chapter 8 Marie shares the cringe-worthy experience of running her first seminar. She felt unprepared, ill-equipped and almost no one showed up. Here we see that getting started before you're ready can help prepare you as you move toward your dreams and goals - as you do the scary things that your fear has kept you from doing all these years. I loved this chapter as it was inspiring and full of fire. 

Chapters 9 and 10 ends the book with encouraging notes not to take no for an answer, refusing to give up and to persevere, adapt and slay. This is an amazingly compelling, uplifting, and inspiring read - you're missing out if you pass on this book. 



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Elite Life
The Elite Life Podcast is a show about achieving excellence in all areas of life. Hosted by Trish and Kylee, this podcast features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals who have reached the pinnacle of their careers and lifestyles. From real estate to finance, marketing to personal development, the show explores the strategies, insights, and mindsets that have propelled these guests to the top of their respective fields. With a focus on practical advice and actionable steps, The Elite Life Podcast provides inspiration and guidance for listeners who want to elevate their own lives to the next level.

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